Put your spare toothbrushes to better use!
Send us your unused White Glo toothbrushes and we will donate them for you to communities that need them.
Send us your unused White Glo toothbrushes and we will donate them for you to communities that need them.
White Glo supports communities that don’t have access to quality oral care products by donating White Glo products to disadvantaged communities in Australia, Asia and Africa.
Here is one way for you to support this initiative with your unused White Glo toothbrushes. Post 10x new and unused White Glo toothbrush in its packaging back to us. We will check each brush, collect them and help donate these on your behalf.
To say thanks, we will send you a tube of White Glo whitening toothpaste free of charge (or you can elect to donate this to the charity as well – just let us know with your return).
Delivery address:
Toothbrush Return & Donate Charity
White Glo House,
10 Narabang Way,
Belrose, NSW 2085, Australia